Dental Implants

Missing teeth can possibly affect your overall health and impact the function of your mouth and jaws. A teeth less mouth affects the state of the bones on the face, causing progressive bone loss as the years pass. The structural strength of the jaw decreases, and the overall appearance changes dramatically.


Dental implants are a revolutionary way to replace one or many teeth. They are placed in your jawbone for structural integrity and to improve the strength of your facial structure, which could make sure that replacements are in place when you are eating, talking or smiling.

Dental implants are titanium screws, which are surgically inserted into your jawbone; a crown is then attached once the implant completely bonds with your bone.

Learn about our “Computer Guided Implant Surgery”, a patient-oriented implant treatment using a minimally invasive approach and high accuracy. By creating an accurate three-dimensional plan prior to implant placement we can reduce surgical and restorative chair time, maximize use of the highest quality bone and ensure optimal implant placement for exceptional aesthetic and functional results.

Why Computer Guided Surgery?

  • Shorter operation time
  • Accurate, safe and predictable
  • Smaller incisions
  • Faster healing and less swelling

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